Saturday, December 31, 2011

a Dragon's year

WOW what a roller coaster of year it's been for this little Dragon.

I've fallen down to the darkest depths and have had to learn once again, to walk proud, roar loudly for the good and against the negative but mainly I have finally spread my beautiful wings and begun to soar to new amazing heights.

My hatchlings have grown so fast and become real individual personalities, the likes that really scare me. You see there is not one shy retiring little wall flower amongst them. Ohhh heavens help me as they continue to grow!!!

And as 2011 draws to a close I think it a wonderful time to do your 2011 GRATITUDE LIST.

The end of the year is a great opportunity to show your gratitude for all the good that manifested in 2011. As Oprah Winfrey says: “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

So grab a pen and paper, sit down and make a list titled: What I’m grateful for in 2011…
To help you get started here a few points you may want to consider:
· What did I learn in 2011?
· How was my health?
· Who did I meet?
· What was a standout experience?
· What was the most fun?
I believe by closing the year focusing on all the positive in your life, you are summoning up and filling your being with that magical energy that opens your heart and mind which attracts more positivity to you.

Now your gratitude list complete and hopefully you're brimming with pride, it is time to plan and write down your INTENTIONS FOR 2012.
You can’t hope to get what you want until you know what it is you want!  As you write your intentions down, note how confident (or not) you feel about this aim. Where you find your confidence is low, you need to work on raising it up.
So grab that pen again and make a new list titled: My intentions for 2012
Some more points you may want to consider:
· Which fear will I release?
· Who will I spend more time with?
· What do I want for myself work-wise?
· Relationship-wise?
· Travel-wise?
I hope this helps you embrace 2012 and it make it everything you dream of. Should you encounter tough times, I wish that you will find the silver lining and have the insight to find the lesson in the life experience.
My blessings to you and your loved ones for 2012 - let's make it ROCK!!!