Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hair today, gone tomorrow

It never ceases to amaze me how much we change our hair and how much it changes us.  Recently I liberated myself from a thousand years worth, ok slight exaggeration, of hair and all the 'identity' that went with this mountain of hair.  I mean people literally do not recognise me anymore. (Which worked in my favour when an old shag of mine served us at the baby store where my husband and I were buying our new twin pram! There’s a ‘please ground just open up and swallow me’ moment for you…) Honestly, I’ve had friends walk right past me.

Now I'm not pointing fingers at the general public for identifying me by a simple attribute, because until I shed this awesome mane of hair I beheld (as you can see, it was a little longer than the average bear's), I didn't realised how much this dragon identified herself by it. I was “that girl with the LONG hair...” and I had sat comfortably in that self perception.

But against the protests of my mother and my previous hairdresser, who had known me since I was knee high to a grasshoper, I went and got the cut I have always thought about but was never game enough to get. And after a brief hour of catching up on the latest celebrity trash magazines and scoffing at the hollywood twin mums bitches who bounced back to their size 6 bodies, it was done! And it was perfect, ok well not 100% perfect – I am a virgo after all, lets just say it was AWESOME!  I could feel the breeze on the back of my head and couldn’t run my fingers through it, it was something I’ve never experienced before and it was liberating.  I looked in the mirror and thought, I wasn’t a boring old housewife and mother of 3, that had saggy bits where my virility and libido were implied, no I was a new me, an excited new me.

I guess, Physically - like the rings of a tree or the layers of sediment in stone, my hair carried a log of easily over 7 years of my ill spent youth (a strange coincidence that this falls in line with the Saturn 7 year cycle, but I digress into astrology)  What I ate, drank, 'took', hell even what my hormones where doing was recorded in my hair.  Bloody CSI would have a field day!  I even remember in science class, a fellow student was so intrigued by my hair that they yanked one strand out and measured it... it was over 1m long!  Fact : maximum growth rate for hair is about 6 inches (15 cm) per year.  I mean, I'm only 5’2” - that stuff was nearly 2/3's of my height.

And Energetically - along with all those chemical markers, were all my thoughts and feelings experienced over that time, imprinted on those long long strands.  Along with the radiant, shinning and glorious feelings was all that angst, awkwardness, insecurity, embarrassment, regret, uncertainty, rage etc that the rollercoaster of life brings you to help define you, well it did for me.  I mean imagine carrying that much crap around with you like a thundercloud? It’s not like your family don’t give enough baggage to carry around HA!

Now some of you would be saying what the hell is she going on about?  But the science aside, I believe in Universal Energy. Yep that hippy tree hugging stuff, although I do like to shower, shave and brush said hair and I’m not a fan Patchouli or Lavender oils.  I do however believe there is energy in everything we say and do, not just in the nature around us.  So much like the Hindi Mundan Ceremony, the cut of my locks helped release my soul to a greater freedom.  I had shed my thundercloud and was now projecting a new rush of fresh energy out to the world.  It was an amazing feeling, like having a summer’s breeze under my wings again.

So proud of this brave little dragon, I posted my new 'do' on facebook and received so so many wonderful comments.  And that my friends made this dragon within purr….

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The cockroach wars

Did you know : Cockroaches are able to live one month without food or remaining alive headless for up to a week, cockroaches are one of the hardiest insects on the planet - nice ha ?

Until a couple of months ago, I had a long standing arrangement with the insect / creepy crawly realms which stemmed from regular unwanted visits from the local Goliath huntsman spiders and coming home not once but twice to grasshoppers in my unit. Yes you read right, big old green Jiminy Cricket on the wall of my top floor unit. How he got there I will never know.

The agreement was : I don’t come into your home, please don’t come into mine. If you do come into mine, I will be forced to kill you. And trust me, I will pass you over to your maker quicker than you can say BOO! Or twitch some little antenna… ohh whatever… you know what I mean.

Now I’m not one to kill first and question later (although my husband would beg to differ) which is why I ‘put it out there’ so I wouldn’t have to unnecessarily become the grim reaper. But recently it seems the aforementioned agreement could not withstand
a) both the unit beside us and below us being gutted, read as previous hidey holes,
b) crazy bug breeding weather and
c) me not having time or energy to reinforce my ethereal intent.

And now I am under attack !!!
Thankfully, I as I type this I touch wood and give true thanks to the heavens above, I’ve not seen the return of Jiminy or Goliath. But my lordy me, I have never seen so damn many friggen cockroaches. But it’s not limited to just cockroaches. Suddenly I’m finding daddy long legs, fruit flies, silverfish, slaters, beetles, moths etc… the little sized bugs.

It’s driving me INSANE. I mean, the neighbours must think I have a nasty case of tourettes the way I yell obscenities and bash madly after the offending bug. And it all flies in the face (pardon the pun) of my lifestyle for lack of better words. What I’m trying to say, is that I’m / we’re not grubby people. And these damned bugs are making me feel that way. I'm starting to doubt myself, should I be doing more to stop it? Although there are only so many hours in the day to juggle everything and everyone.

So I’m starting to consider getting a pest exterminator in to deal with it all. But that too, is not my style. I don’t do harsh chemicals, hell I have babies in the house. However, it is also FOR the babies that I want to get rid of these bugs. Just the thought they may be running over a toy, a dummy etc makes my blood run cold. Then there’s the prospect of having to clear out all the shelves, move furniture – it just makes my head hurt. Especially when I know we will be moving soon and basically doing all that clearing shifting anyway. As to when that move will happen, I don’t know (that’s a whole other blog topic right there) but it has to be before the wonder duo are too mobile.

Basically I don’t know what to do. Just suck it up and bring forth dragon’s hell fire on their multi legged arses or just wait it out and do it after we move? Arrhhgggg…

Mother Out Law Experience (aka MOLE) bawahahaha….

After nearly 3 years of marriage, I have FINALLY had an epiphany about the degradation of my relationship with my mother in law. In one of many thousands of conversations (aka bitch sessions) had with girlfriends about our partners family, and strangely enough it always seems to weigh heavily on the poor mother in laws, I was asked : if you could have the "perfect" relationship in your eyes how would it be?

Initally, not only did I glaze over the question when asked but then when my friend asked me to answer her, I proceeded to attack the question the wrong way with all they won’t blah blah blah… she won’t blah blah blah … And again she patiently asked me : but what do you want it to be like?

Well, I wanted them to be my family, act like my family. Then it hit me, how can I expect them to be and act like my family when I’m not treating them like MY family? I had failed at acting upon one of my favourite mantras in life :

You can not change people or situations; you can only change how YOU react to them

So, the very next visit, I didn’t sit making idle small talk and wait upon them with tea and baked goods (mind you, I am a huge fan of the ol’ baked goods with a cup of tea when I get a chance to sit my fat arse down – which ain’t that often) I simply went about getting housework and all those other things I can’t get done when I’m alone with twin infants and a toddler.

When my poor family visits, it’s all hands on deck. They know how this dragon rolls. My conversations are bellowed from room to the other as I go about things, you make your own bloody cuppa, if it cries – you settle it, if it vomits – you grab a cloth and wipe it, if you smell ‘it’- you change it’s butt. There’s no handing a kid back. And there is NO last minute panicked cleaning before they arrive (but that’s a slightly different issue that I’m sure we’ll touch on at another time). Because MY family comes to visit ME, not just coo at the kids.

Now I can’t say with any certainty that they understood the change in my behaviour, but I sure as hell know that it was heavily noted, with the many requests to have me “just sit down for a minute” To which I replied, no thank you, I would much prefer to make the most of the extra sets of hands in the house.

And when they left, I felt good (and I still do). I had stood in my own power and changed how I responded rather than be false to their faces and stewed about their actions until I could literally breathe fire.

Of course, being very proud and full of myself (as is a dragon’s nature) I then hopped on messenger and proceeded to thank my friend for her gift in my epiphany :oP

Monday, April 19, 2010

I just couldn't help myself...

What started as a couple of curiosity questions about bogging & blogs due to a recent influx of friends starting their own blogs has lead me here (and it only took about an hour to get to this point) You see I need to journal more these days, but I never get the time. Ohh time my elusive friend... ohh how I miss thee, let me count the ways - no wait, i don't have time, I'll get back to you later. Journalling - it allows me to put this constant internal monologue of observations, thoughts and feelings down somewhere. I need to get them out of my head so I can concentrate on the screaming task in front of me. It also allows me to process events in my life in a more objective manner.

Then of course there's the whole loathing of handwriting, not just how it looks but how it pains my hand. Yes, it physically pains me to write for extended periods. It's not muscle wastage from being a Gen Z unable to do anything non techo, no it's fair more boring like carpal tunnel syndrome from my 1st pregnancy (yes I am a breeder). And no matter how many different coloured and/or glittery pens and gorgeous books I use, it's just not my thing. This dragon don't hand write sister.

Like many of my actual generation, I've fallen victim to facebook. Where I've developed an interesting addiction to people knowing whats happening in my life and waiting for their response. So like a big ol' fb status update, here begins my very own blog !!!

Now to prepare you, I am random, blunt, a little crass, left of centre (in more ways than one), oddly humorous, unable to spell to save my life but mostly human. I hope this will be a no holds bar brain dump of my life in all it's facets as I change my chameleon colours. How long this will last, only the universe will know. I'm great on the ideas/start up phase - it's the follow through that is sorely lacking...

I blame my dragon within for this bad habit - you see many eons ago, they used to offer sacrifices, virgins, gold and the like to honour the dragon. The spoils were forth coming and all they had to do is sit there and look menacing. Grrrr....